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The VATSIM network is built on top of many different services, several of which each provide their own API. This page provides an overview of the various publicly-available APIs and what they do.

Connect API / OAuth2 Server

The Connect API and OAuth2 Server is the primary authentication mechanism for VATSIM services. It provides a single sign-on experience for VATSIM members, allowing them to log in to any service with their VATSIM credentials.

VATSIM Connect is available to all VATSIM organizations as well as third-party services. Please read the Connect overview for more information regarding getting started with Connect.

Browse the Connect API documentation

Core API

The Core API is the primary API for interacting with VATSIM data. It provides information about VATSIM members, including their personal information, ratings, and statistics.

The public may use the Core API to access anonymized information about VATSIM members. Names, email addresses, and other personally-identifying information is not available to the public.

If you are a VATSIM division or subdivision, you may use the Core API to update your roster information and read your members' personal information. If you do not yet have access to the Core API, please contact the tech team.

Browse the Core API documentation

Data API

The Data API provides access to real-time data about the VATSIM network. It provides information about pilots and controllers who are currently online, including their position, altitude, and other information.

The Data API is available to the public, and does not require authentication.

Browse the Data API documentation

Events API

The Events API provides access to information about upcoming events on the VATSIM network. It provides information about each event, including the date and time, organizers, and description.

The Events API is available to the public, and does not require authentication.

Browse the Events API documentation


The METAR API provides access to real-time METAR information for airports around the world.

The METAR API is available to the public, and does not require authentication.

Browse the METAR API documentation

Slurper API

The Slurper API provides access to real-time connection information for a given VATSIM user. It is mainly used by the Audio for VATSIM clients to determine a user's connection status.

The Slurper API is available to the public, and does not require authentication.

Browse the Slurper API documentation