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Get live network data



Returns the live data feed of the network. Re-generates every 15 seconds.



Successful operation

    general object
    version integer

    Major version of the data feed

    reload integerdeprecated

    Length of time (mins) to wait before reloading the data feed

    update stringdeprecated

    When the data feed was last generated

    update_timestamp date-time

    When the data feed was last generated

    connected_clients integer

    Total clients (pilots + controllers + ATIS) currently connected to the network

    unique_users integer

    Total unique users currently connected to the network

    pilots object[]
  • Array [
  • cid integer

    Pilot's VATSIM ID

    name string

    Pilot's full name

    callsign string

    Aircraft callsign

    server string

    Pilot's current server ident

    pilot_rating integer

    Pilot's pilot rating ID

    military_rating integer

    Pilot's military rating ID

    latitude number

    Aircraft latitude (deg)

    longitude number

    Aircraft longitude (deg)

    altitude integer

    Aircraft altitude (ft MSL)

    groundspeed integer

    Aircraft ground speed (kts)

    transponder string

    Aircraft transponder code

    heading integer

    Aircraft heading (deg. magnetic)

    qnh_i_hg number

    Aircraft QNH (inHg)

    qnh_mb integer

    Aircraft QNH (mbar)

    flight_plan object

    Pilot's flight plan, if filed

    flight_rules string

    Possible values: [I, V]

    Whether this flight plan is IFR or VFR

    aircraft string

    ICAO aircraft type and equipment

    aircraft_faa string

    FAA aircraft type

    aircraft_short string

    ICAO aircraft type designator

    departure string

    Departure airport

    arrival string

    Arrival airport

    alternate string

    Alternate arrival airport

    deptime string

    Estimated off-block time

    enroute_time string

    Estimated time enroute

    fuel_time string

    Fuel endurance time

    remarks string

    Flight plan remarks

    route string

    Route of flight

    revision_id integer

    Flight plan revision ID

    assigned_transponder string

    System-assigned transponder code

    logon_time date-time

    When this pilot connected

    last_updated date-time

    When this pilot's status was last received

  • ]
  • controllers object[]
  • Array [
  • cid integer

    Controller's VATSIM ID

    name string

    Controller's full name

    callsign string

    Position callsign

    frequency string

    Position frequency (MHz)

    facility integer

    Position facility ID

    rating integer

    Controller's controller rating ID

    server string

    Controller's current server ident

    visual_range integer

    Position visual range (NM)

    text_atis string[]

    Controller information

    last_updated date-time

    When this controller's status was last received

    logon_time date-time

    When this controller connected

  • ]
  • atis object[]
  • Array [
  • cid integer

    Controller's VATSIM ID

    name string

    Controller's full name

    callsign string

    ATIS callsign

    frequency string

    ATIS frequency (MHz)

    facility integer

    ATIS facility ID

    rating integer

    Controller's controller rating ID

    server string

    Controller's current server ident

    visual_range integer

    ATIS visual range (NM)

    atis_code string

    Current ATIS phonetic letter

    text_atis string[]

    Text ATIS

    last_updated date-time

    When this ATIS's status was last received

    logon_time date-time

    When this ATIS connected

  • ]
  • servers object[]
  • Array [
  • ident string

    Server ident

    hostname_or_ip string

    Server hostname or IP address

    location string

    Human-readable geographical location of this server

    name string

    Human-readable name of this server

    clients_connection_allowed integerdeprecated

    Whether this server is accepting connections

    client_connections_allowed boolean

    Whether this server is accepting connections

    is_sweatbox boolean

    Whether this server is in sweatbox mode

  • ]
  • prefiles object[]
  • Array [
  • cid integer

    Pilot's VATSIM ID

    name string

    Pilot's VATSIM ID

    callsign string

    Prefile callsign

    flight_plan object
    flight_rules string

    Possible values: [I, V]

    Whether this flight plan is IFR or VFR

    aircraft string

    ICAO aircraft type and equipment

    aircraft_faa string

    FAA aircraft type

    aircraft_short string

    ICAO aircraft type designator

    departure string

    Departure airport

    arrival string

    Arrival airport

    alternate string

    Alternate arrival airport

    deptime string

    Estimated off-block time

    enroute_time string

    Estimated time enroute

    fuel_time string

    Fuel endurance time

    remarks string

    Flight plan remarks

    route string

    Route of flight

    revision_id integer

    Flight plan revision ID

    assigned_transponder string

    System-assigned transponder code

    last_updated date-time

    When this prefile's status was last received

  • ]
  • facilities object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer

    Facility ID

    short string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression /[A-Z]{3}/

    Short identifier

    long_name string

    Human-readable name

  • ]
  • ratings object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer

    Controller Rating ID

    short_name string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression /[A-Z0-9]{2,4}/

    Short identifier

    long_name string

    Human-readable name

  • ]
  • pilot_ratings object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer

    Pilot Rating ID

    short_name string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression /[A-Z0-9]{2,4}/

    Short identifier

    long_name string

    Human-readable name

  • ]
  • military_ratings object[]
  • Array [
  • id integer

    Military Rating ID

    short_name string

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression /[A-Z0-9]{2,4}/

    Short identifier

    long_name string

    Human-readable name

  • ]