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We provide a sandbox environment for testing integrations with VATSIM Connect. This environment is wholly independent of our production instance and does not grant access to any real VATSIM data.


The sandbox environment is not intended for production use. It is provided for testing purposes only. Any data stored in the sandbox environment may be deleted at any time without notice. Do not use any private or sensitive credentials in the sandbox environment.

The sandbox environment is available at

Test Accounts

These accounts are available for testing your integration in the sandbox. They are not real VATSIM accounts and do not grant access to any real VATSIM data.

The password for every account is the same as the account's VATSIM ID.

VATSIM IDNameEmailController RatingPilot RatingRegionDivisionSubdivision
10000000Zero Web[email protected]SuspendedATPLAPACNZ
10000001One Web[email protected]ObserverNEWAPACPAC
10000002Two Web[email protected]S1 StudentPPLAMASUSA
10000003Three Web[email protected]S2 StudentPPLEMEAIL
10000004Four Web[email protected]S3 Senior StudentIREMEAEUDSPN
10000005Five Web[email protected]C1 ControllerIRAPACWAAFG
10000006Six Web[email protected]C3 Senior ControllerIREMEAEUDIRL
10000007Seven Web[email protected]I1 StudentCMELEMEAGBR
10000008Eight Web[email protected]I3 Senior InstructorCMELEMEAMENA
10000009Nine Web[email protected]SUP SupervisorATPLEMEASAF
10000010Ten Web[email protected]ADM AdministratorATPLEMEAEUDFRA

OAuth Clients

To obtain client credentials, sign in with any of the accounts listed above and navigate to "Manage OAuth organizations" in the sidebar. Your account will automatically have access to the "VATSIM Connect Demo" organization creating an organization is not necessary. Select the "OAuth clients" tab and click the "Add client" button to create a new set of credentials.

Please be courteous and do not delete other developers' clients. If you no longer need your test client, please delete it to remove clutter.