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Language Samples

Below are a few select samples of how to use the webhook API. If you would like to contribute another language, feel free to submit a pull request on the docs repository.

Python (Django)

import os
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseForbidden, HttpResponseBadRequest
from apps.users.models import User

def process_member_created_webhook(resource, action):
# Depending on your schema, you may need to do some custom mapping of
# VATSIM fields to your own fields.
data = {delta.get('field'): delta.get('after') for delta in action.get('deltas')}
new_user = User(**data)

def process_member_changed_webhook(resource, action):
user = User.objects.get(cid=req_body.get('resource'))
for delta in action.get('deltas'):
setattr(user, delta.get('field'), delta.get('after'))

def receive_webhook(request):
Endpoint where webhooks get sent to.

Determines if the authorization token is valid and figures out which
helper function to call to deal with the webhook.
if request.META.get('Authorization') != os.getenv('WEBHOOK_API_TOKEN'):
return HttpResponseForbidden('Invalid webhook token')

for action in request.body.get('actions'):
match action.get('action'):
case 'member_created_action':
process_member_created_webhook(request.body.get('resource'), action)
case 'member_changed_action':
process_member_changed_webhook(request.body.get('resource'), action)
# Rinse and repeat for other webhook actions
return HttpResponseBadRequest('Invalid webhook action')

# 200 OK response indicates to the API that the webhook was recieved and processed
return HttpResponse()